The Road to Demonization - Part 2

In this second episode in our short series on Demonization, we take a look at what open doors can allow for demonic inroads into a Christian's life. 

For a look at the notes Raffi wrote up for this episode click here.

For more listening:
De Vorba Podcast's Interviews with Cristian Barbosu (RO only)
Episode 91
Episode 92
Episode 93
Demonology Series by Remnant Radio

We recognize that this is a secondary issue in terms of theology, and we are very open to differing viewpoints here. Listed below are some of those viewpoints:
Perspective Crestine's Introductory Video (RO only)
Costi Hinn's quick video on the subject

Books mentioned:
"The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt


Christian Rap and a Testimony of Salvation with Nick Greiner


Our Take on Christian Demonization