Single, Dating, Married: The Marriage Story of David and Violeta Salar
We continue the second and final part of our conversation with David & Violeta Salar, and as part of our ongoing Single, Dating, Married series we will get to hear how the two of them met and how God played a role in that process. The Salars discuss what peace about a relationship looks like, how temptations and spiritual warfare come at the level of the mind, and how we can put marriage in its rightful place in light of our love for God.
Here’s a link to the ministry and marriage David & Violeta mentioned:
Jack Hayford Ministries - Jack & Anna were married until recently, Anna passed away in 2017.
Raffi’s personal plug for a great sermon that talks about dealing with intrusive thoughts: “How to Handle Bad Thoughts” by Dan Moehler
*Raffi’s Disclaimer: I know that Dan Moehler gets some flack for hanging out in more NAR-y/charismatic type circles, but that shouldn’t preclude anyone from listening to him even if you do lean more reformed. I’ve listened to a few of his sermons and have found him to speak the plain truth of the Gospel and Scriptures. Don’t knock it until you try it, a lesson I’ve learned the hard way. If you think this discussion is weird or you have more questions, shoot us an email I will be happy to know that these webpages do get some clicks. :)