Mike Gnatyuk on Ukrainian Missions Efforts, Slavic Culture, and the modern Slavic Church
We interview our good friend Mike Gnatyuk on his recent trip to Ukraine where he served with missions and relief organizations to bring both aid and the Gospel to those in need. Along the way we go into the history of the Slavic church, its shared language and culture, as well as how its persecuted history impacts today's generations. Mike also shares with us his observations on the resilience of the Ukrainian people, and how the Ukrainian church is responding to this ongoing crisis.
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Check out the other missions groups that Mike worked with:
If you would like a copy of his great-grandfather’s autobiography “The Life of God's Servant Luke” by making friends with him on Instagram!
“The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan
If you’re interested in reading about the history of persecution of the Slavic & Ukrainian church, Raffi would also recommend this book to read:
“The Insanity of God” by Nik Ripken, you will not regret it. Part II describes Nik Ripken’s experiences interviewing pastors and church leaders that were persecuted under the old Soviet regimes.